
IDevice Icon Mohammad Shaqfeh

    Mohammad Shaqfeh joined the Electrical Engineering program atTexas A&M at Qatar as a Postdoctoral Researcher in January 2009. Currently, he holds the position of Associate Research Scientist.

    He received the B.Sc. degree in electrical engineering (communications stream) from the United Arab Emirates University in 2003 and the M.Sc. degree in communications technology from Ulm University in Germany in 2005. He received the Ph.D. degree from The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland, U.K., in 2009. While studying at the University of Edinburgh, he was a member of the Core 4 research program of the Virtual Center of Excellence in Mobile and Personal Communications (Mobile VCE).

    His research experience has been mainly in the fields of wireless communication systems and network information theory. In particular, he has contributed to research areas such as layered transmission schemes, relay-assisted communication, optimal resource allocation and multiuser scheduling. Machine learning and artificial intelligence are among his current main research interests. He has authored or co-authored many papers in scholarly journals and proceedings. He received several awards and honors for high academic scores and distinguished achievements.